Religion Courses
AGVA Religion Courses
Amazing Grace Virtual Academy offers the following Biblically sound religion courses. Click on each course name for more information.
Life of Christ
An in-depth study of the life and ministry of our Savior as recorded in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The course will examine the history of Jesus' life, what he did to accomplish the salvation of humanity, and the special emphasis of each of the four evangelists.
Grade Level: 9-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
Old Testament History, Digging Deeper
This course builds on the foundation of what Sunday Schools or Lutheran elementary schools teach about Old Testament history. It is intended to strengthen the students’ knowledge of the facts, to help students counter arguments against the Bible record, to help students find application of Old Testament history to their daily lives, and to expand students’ awareness of how the Old Testament leads us to Christ.
Grade Level: 9-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
How the Church Grows (Acts)
A careful examination of the growth and spread of the Christian Church in the First Century as recorded in the Book of Acts. This study will also provide a framework for understanding the epistles of the New Testament.
Grade Level: 9-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
Old Testament Christian Faith
This course examines the essentials of Christian faith and traces the development of knowledge about Christ through the Old Testament as it examines the faith, understanding, whether weak or strong, of the people of faith in the Old Testament.
Grade Level: 9-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
Living Christianity
This course addresses the topics of Worship, Stewardship and Friendship Evangelism.
It also addresses the privileges and responsibilities that come with church membership. Students will be encouraged to become more active in service to their congregation.
Grade Level: 11-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
Daily Christian Living
This course explores current issues such as Apologetics, Christian Life Planning, From Friendship to Marriage, Christian Financial Planning, Religion/Science, Popular Social Trends, and others. It also will offer guidance on what the Christian teen may experience on a college campus and/or in the world of work.
Grade Level: 11-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None
What Others Believe
A survey study of the history of the Christian Church from the time of the apostles until the present day. There is an emphasis on the Reformation and Lutheranism in the USA, a comparison between confessional Lutheranism and other mainline denominations, and a study of Islam, Hinduism/Buddhism, Judaism, Secularism/Atheism/Agnosticism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and others.
Grade Level: 11-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.50
Prerequisites: None
Say Pastor, I Was Wondering
This course invites students to submit topics/questions about matters pertaining to their Christian living. After multiple topics are identified, students will select six for in-depth study. Students will be expected to research, explore and report on assigned topics.
Grades: 11-12
Length: 1 semester
Credit: 0.5
Prerequisites: None